Ajda Flisar
Ajda is part of the EU HOMEDEM project and collaborates with LUCAS - Centre for Care research and Consultancy at KU Leuven. HOMEDEM is an interdisciplinary team of young researchers who focuse on designing a home with dementia and Ajda’s topic covers nightly agitation or sleep disturbances in people with dementia. She is developing a tool to help family caregivers find ways to reduce nightly agitation in people with dementia and at the same time reduce the stress associated with it. The tool will be developed during her secondment at Panton, a company in the Netherlands which specializes in technologies for healthcare. She will be testing this tool during her internship at Huis Perrekes, a specialized nursing home for people with dementia.
Ajda started her PhD in the MeReL team in September 2023. Her PhD is funded by the European Union through a 3-year Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network (MSCA-DN) . She obtained her bachelor’s degree in psychology in 2021 at the University of Amsterdam. She continued her studies at the University of Amsterdam and obtained her master’s degree in research psychology in 2023. Her major was clinical psychology and her minor was developmental psychology. During her master’s she did her internship in the Babylab under the supervision of prof. Ingmar Visser, and she also worked as a tutorial teacher for the bachelor’s clinical specialization courses. In 2023, she was a research intern within the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) at the University of Zürich. She wrote her thesis under the supervision of prof. Chris Hopwood and prof. Jan-Henk Kamphuis and it was about the impact of demoralization on the stability of personality traits.