Julie Vissers

Julie Vissers completed her master’s degree in Clinical and Health Psychology at KU Leuven in July 2021, which included a one-year Erasmus stay at the University of Glasgow (UK) and a one-year clinical internship at the rehabilitation hospital RevArte (Edegem). She joined the Meaning Research Late Life team of prof. Jessie Dezutter as a PhD student in October 2021.
In her PhD research, Julie investigates the relationship between geriatric depressive symptoms and existential distress/suffering, both from the perspective of nursing home residents (NHRs) and nursing home (NH)-professionals. For this purpose, she uses a mixed method longitudinal design, including a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. She is interested in the existential experience of the older population, as well as client-centered psychotherapy and neuropsychology. She combines her PhD with the two-year interuniversity postgraduate training of clinical neuropsychology.